sardarent terms & conditions - sardarent

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General conditions of the rental agreement without driver
see also:  

Art.1 - Conclusion of the contract
This car rental contract of the Individual Company Addis Mauro (hereinafter, the Lessor) is intended to be concluded with the signature of the customer (hereinafter, the Customer or the Lessee) affixed at the bottom of the Rental Letter and at the bottom of the Conditions General Rental Conditions listed here (hereinafter, General Rental Conditions). The contractual relationship is governed by the General Rental Conditions signed by the Customer and listed below; the model of the rental agreement and these general rental conditions are available and can be consulted by anyone on the Lessor's website By signing the General Rental Conditions, the Customer declares to accept without reservation the conditions contained therein and also declares to have received from the Lessor a copy of both the Rental Agreement and the aforementioned General Conditions and that these copies comply with the respective originals that remain deposited at the Lessor's office. Aware of being prosecuted in the case of false declarations, the Customer declares that he has provided the Lessor with truthful information regarding his personal details, age, position and / or qualification, residence or domicile address, telephone number, fax number and mailing address. electronics, as well as about the possession of all the legal requirements for driving license; also declares that all documents delivered to the Lessor are originals or are copies of the originals and are currently valid. In any case, the Lessor has the right to refuse the conclusion of the lease at its free and unquestionable discretion, without the obligation to give any reason to the Lessee.

Art. 2 - Limits to circulation
The hired vehicle can circulate only in the following countries: Italy; circulation in different countries can only take place with the written authorization of the Individual Company of Addis Mauro; redelivery abroad is not allowed. Both abroad and in Italy, the vehicle can only be driven by the Customer who is a natural person signatory of the contract or by the natural person who has signed the contract as legal representative of the Customer legal person or by another person who has been fully identified as Additional Driver in the appropriate space of the Rental Agreement, to be considered authorized to drive and conduct the rental vehicle in compliance with the provisions of this contract and under the full responsibility of the Customer; the latter will therefore respond to the Lessor for the active and / or omissive conduct of each Driver; the Additional Driver option is subject to the application of a daily cost supplement, as specified in the following art. 8 nos. 3 and 4; by signing these General Rental Conditions, the Additional Driver assumes the same contractual responsibility as the Customer, jointly and severally with the latter. In any case, the Driver, even if Additional, must be between the ages of 18 and 75 and, in the case of a new driver, the specific limitations established by law in relation to the power and displacement of the vehicles to be drive; for driving people aged between 18 and 25 or older than 75, a daily cost supplement is required, as specified in the following art. 8. In no case, the hired vehicle may be driven by people who are in a state of intoxication and / or under the influence of drugs or psychotropic substances; moreover, it is strictly forbidden to use the vehicle: a) for the transport of contraband goods, explosive or polluting material or for any other transport in violation of laws and / or regulations; b) for the transport of passengers or goods for remuneration; c) to push or tow another vehicle or trailer; d) in competitions of any kind, whether sporting or not, or track tests, including use on the track or the like; e) for the transport of parcels or postal packages; f) to give driving lessons or to practice it; g) off-road, on unpaved roads or on roads in any case unsuitable for the vehicle; h) to transport any thing or substance which, due to its condition or smell, may damage the vehicle and / or delay the possibility of re-renting it; i) for improper operations and for any other use in violation of laws and / or regulations. In any case of violation of the traffic limits and the limits for driving and using the vehicle provided for in this article, without prejudice to the provisions of the contractual conditions that follow, Ditta Individuale di Addis Mauro will remain exempt from any liability, of any kind and nature and, in any case, will have the right to be fully compensated, indemnified and held harmless by the Customer.

Art. 3 - Delivery of the vehicle and Check Out
The vehicle is understood to be perfectly suitable for the use agreed in this rental agreement. The Customer has the specific duty to verify, in advance of the signing of the contract, the overall conditions in which the vehicle requested for hire is located and, in the event that it finds damage and / or defects and / or anomalies and / or deficiencies of any type, must immediately report it to the Lessor by making them / having them described in the form of the Rental Agreement "Conditions of the vehicle in delivery - check-in" submitted to his signature; in the event that the aforementioned sheet "Conditions of the vehicle being delivered - check-in" does not report any type of damage, defect, anomaly or shortage of the vehicle requested for hire, even in the event of failure by the Customer to verify the vehicle and / or in any case of failure to fill in and / or sign the same form "Conditions of the vehicle on delivery - check-in" and in any case whenever the aforementioned form does not show otherwise, the vehicle will be considered delivered by the Lessor and received by the Customer in excellent condition, fully functional in all its parts, clean both inside and outside, with a full tank of fuel, with tire wear not lower than the legal limits, with locks and systems fully functional closing parts, with the lower parts of the bodywork (sills, lower moldings and bumpers, etc.) perfectly intact, with valid insurance policies and c with the provision of all documents required by law for road traffic in Italy and the European Union, therefore perfectly suitable for the use agreed in the contract and accepted by the Customer without exceptions and reservations. The vehicle will be delivered, ready for use, ex warehouse of the Lessor.

Art. 4 - Return of the vehicle
At the end of the lease, the vehicle must be returned by the Customer, together with its accessories and documents, free from things and goods and from constraints and burdens, in the same conditions in which it was delivered, cleaning included, except for the normal wear and tear associated with it. to its appropriate use, proportionate to the duration of the rental and the mileage traveled. The Customer undertakes to return the vehicle to the Lessor washed (only hand washing is allowed and roller washing or similar is prohibited), also clean inside and with a full tank of fuel; in the event that, at the time of delivery, the vehicle is not clean inside and / or not washed outside, the Lessor will charge the Customer, as a penalty, the sum of € 50.00 excluding VAT or the sum of € 450.00 excluding VAT in the event that a special cleaning of the vehicle is necessary, without prejudice to compensation for further damage in both cases; if, at the time of delivery, the vehicle is without a full tank of fuel, the Lessor will have the right to charge the Customer the cost of the missing fuel, in addition to a fixed amount of € 30.00 excluding VAT. The Customer will be held responsible for theft, fire or loss of the rented vehicle and for any damage and / or loss to the vehicle, its documents, parts or accessories on board that occurred during the rental, even if detected by the Lessor in a the moment after the return of the vehicle and regardless of the compilation and / or signing of the form of the Rental Agreement "Conditions of the vehicle upon return"; by way of example and not limited to, the liability of the Lessee is understood to extend to the cost of repairs and / or replacements, to the Lessor's loss of profit due to the consequent failure to rent the vehicle, to the loss of value of the vehicle, to the costs of towing, transport , deposit and custody, in addition to an administrative charge for the internal management of the file by the Individual Firm of Addis Mauro, to any legal costs, both out-of-court and judicial, that may be incurred by the latter to obtain the reimbursement of the damages suffered , without prejudice, in any case, to compensation for any further or different damage.The vehicle must be returned to a Sarda Rent rental point of the Addis Mauro Individual Company, in the city, on the day and time specified in the Rental Agreement. In case of return of the vehicle earlier than the expected return deadline indicated in the Rental Agreement, the Customer cannot claim any return and / or reimbursement and / or reduction of the rental fees, including those for additional services and clauses any limitation / exemption from liability purchased; even in the aforementioned case of early repayment, the application of the increases provided for by the following art. 8.6 for the hypothesis of return of the rented vehicle outside the opening hours of the aforementioned rental point of the place of expected return. In the event of a delay in the return of the vehicle exceeding 59 minutes with respect to the expected return deadline indicated in the Rental Agreement, the Individual Company of Addis Mauro will be authorized to charge the Customer, in addition to the rental fees agreed in the contract, an additional sum. equal to the daily rate purchased by the latter, including the costs of additional services and any limitation / exemption clauses purchased and so for each day of delay until delivery, without prejudice in any case to greater damage; moreover, it remains agreed that, even in the event of failure or unjustified return of the vehicle by the Customer, the Customer will always be held responsible for the custody and conservation of the vehicle even in the time exceeding the contractual term; in any case, the Lessor will have the right to lodge a regular complaint-complaint with the competent Authorities. In the event of returning the rented vehicle to a place other than that of the expected return specified in the Rental Agreement, without prejudice to the Customer's obligation to inform the Lessor in advance and to comply with the delivery methods that will be indicated by the latter. , the Customer will be charged an increase on the rental fee equal to € 100.00, in case of redelivery within the territory of the Sardinia region and equal to € 1,000.00, in case of redelivery in any other Italian region or abroad , in all cases in addition to the additional cost of € 1.50 / km to be calculated on the geographical distance between the place of delivery provided for in the Rental Agreement and that of actual delivery, in addition to the costs of transporting the vehicle to the intended location of redelivery (by way of example, motorway tolls, any costs of maritime transport and / or car transporters, fees of the driver possibly in charge of the recovery ro, etc ...) and without prejudice, in any case, to compensation for greater damage; the above increases will also apply in any case of return / abandonment of the rented vehicle in a place other than that of the expected return without prior notification to the Lessor by the Customer.

Art. 5 - Nature of the contract and ownership of the leased asset
It is acknowledged that this contract is in the nature of a leasing contract for motor vehicles without a driver; Therefore, the rental of the vehicle does not include the driver and, moreover, the fuel consumption and the topping up of all consumables in general as specified in the following article are the responsibility of the Customer; the vehicle is supplied without antifreeze liquid and it will therefore be the Customer's obligation and care to provide it to the vehicle whenever necessary, not being able to claim any reimbursement of expenses or reduction of the consideration at the end of the rental, even in the case of residual not consumed. The Lessor is entitled to lease the vehicle covered by this contract by virtue of the title of ownership on the same or by virtue of another legitimate title of possession or possession. The Customer takes delivery of the vehicle and for this fact constitutes the keeper of the rented vehicle for all legal purposes; he legally undertakes to keep it safe and to use the diligence of a good family man for this purpose, as well as the specific diligence required by the value and use of the vehicle; the Customer recognizes himself as a mere guardian and expressly acknowledges that he is not and does not become the holder of any real right on the rented vehicle and on the accessories which the vehicle is equipped with or, in any case, provided by the Lessor; the custody obligation is also extended to keys and any satellite anti-theft system of the vehicle. The vehicle, in the absence of prior written authorization from the Lessor, cannot be granted for use to third parties for any reason, nor can this contract be transferred in whole or in part to third parties.

Art. 6 - Maintenance and repair of the vehicle
Small maintenance operations are the responsibility of the customer (by way of example but not limited to, topping up oils and lubricants in general, topping up the water in the cooling system, topping up the washer fluid, topping up additives to reduce diesel engine emissions, topping up and replacements of consumables in general, repair and / or replacement of tires in case of puncture, breakage and / or cuts, etc ...) and the related materials that must comply with the relative requirements of the manufacturer of the rented vehicle; it is forbidden for the Customer to make changes and / or transformations of any kind to the vehicle, without prejudice to the foregoing regarding minor maintenance operations. In the event of a technical defect or failure of the rented vehicle occurring during the rental period and exceeding the minor maintenance, the Customer must immediately notify the Lessor, who will indicate the workshop where the vehicle must be driven by Customer, also with the aid of a suitable roadside assistance vehicle, if necessary; if the fault is not repaired within 36 hours of admission of the vehicle to the workshop indicated by the Lessor and is such as to make the vehicle unsuitable for the agreed use, the Individual Company of Addis Mauro will provide the Customer with a replacement vehicle of same category and level as the one originally rented; in any case, the Lessor will retain the right to demand from the Customer the payment of all the fees agreed in the rental contract, remaining, however, excluded any responsibility of the same Mauro Addis Individual Company, its employees or auxiliaries, for any damages, both of a contractual and non-contractual nature, which are derived to the Customer as a result of the aforementioned defects or failures; the Lessor will also have the right to demand from the Customer the payment of all the fees agreed in the contract if, during the rental relationship, the vehicle is damaged or rendered useless or in any case is affected by faults or defects of any kind, for fact and fault of the same Customer or for fact and fault of third parties attributable to the latter, without prejudice, in this case, to the Lessor's right to terminate the contract pursuant to art. 1456 of the Civil Code and without prejudice to the right to compensation for all damages according to the liability regime described in art. 4 above. It is forbidden for the Customer to use the rented vehicle in malfunctioning conditions, in order to avoid possible worsening of the breakdown or situations of danger for himself, third parties, animals or things; the Customer, as the car keeper of the vehicle, is obliged to monitor and promptly take action to verify and maintain the good state of maintenance and operation of the vehicle. The Customer is fully responsible for the correct and appropriate use of the vehicle and for checking its efficiency at all times, even after any maintenance and repairs.

Art. 7 - Obligations and responsibilities of the Customer
Without prejudice to the provisions of the other articles of these General Contract Conditions, the Customer, with the conclusion of the contract, also assumes the obligations and responsibilities referred to in this article. The Customer undertakes to pay the Lessor, at the deadlines and in the manner specified in the following art. 12, all the amounts that will be due under this rental agreement even if detected / found / requested by the Lessor after the termination of the rental; in this regard, the Customer authorizes, as of now and irrevocably, the Individual Company of Addis Mauro to withdraw the aforementioned amounts directly from the credit or debit card indicated by the Customer at the time of conclusion of the contract and specified in the Rental Agreement. , even beyond the limits agreed by the same Customer with the issuers of the aforementioned cards; in particular, the Customer is obliged to pay and / or reimburse the following to the Individual Company of Addis Mauro: (a) the rental amount indicated in the Special Rental Conditions (so-called Base Rate); (b) the additional fees foreseen for the Optional Additional Services (so-called Extras) eventually agreed, as reported in the Special Rental Conditions; (c) the additional fees for cases of delayed delivery and return of the rented vehicle to a place other than the agreed one, as provided and regulated by art. 4 above and for the case of returning the vehicle outside the opening hours of the Individual Company of Addis Mauro referred to in art. 8.6; (d) any other sum provided for in this contract by way of consideration, penalty or reimbursement, including additional sums due for the purchase of the optional limitation / exemption clauses provided for by the following art. 9; (e) the amount of financial penalties for violations of the Highway Code or other applicable regulations committed during the rental period, as well as the costs incurred by the Individual Company of Addis Mauro for the administrative management of the related practice; (f) in the event of seizure or detention of the rented vehicle as a result of violations of the Highway Code or other applicable regulations committed during the rental period and attributable to the Customer, an amount equal to the daily rate purchased by the latter, for each day of seizure or detention, in accordance with the provisions of art. 4 for the case of delay in delivery; (g) any amount relating to motorway tolls not paid by the Customer, as well as the costs incurred by the Individual Company of Addis Mauro for the administrative management of the related practice; (h) any expense and / or cost, including legal fees, that the Individual Company of Addis Mauro should incur to obtain payment of the sums due for any reason by the Customer under this rental agreement; (i) any sum that the Individual Company of Addis Mauro will be required to pay and / or compensate to third parties, for any reason, as a result of the use of the rented vehicle by the Customer and / or the Additional Driver, in violation of the rules of the law and / or the provisions of this contract; in case of delay by the Customer in the payment of any sum due for any reason to the Lessor under this contract, the Customer must pay the Lessor, in addition to the sums due, default interest in the measure of the legal rate in force plus 5 percentage points, without prejudice to compliance with the legal limits if the permitted rate should be lower than that indicated above.

  • The Customer also undertakes:
    to be permanently available at the telephone numbers indicated in this contract;
    to sign the forms in the Rental Agreement called "Conditions of the vehicle to be delivered - Check-in '' and" Conditions of the vehicle upon return "which will be submitted to him by the Lessor respectively at the time of delivery of the vehicle and at the time of its return;
    to drive the rented vehicle with the utmost diligence and in full compliance with this contract and with all the laws in force in the states in which the vehicle will be used;
    not to transfer, for any reason whatsoever, to third parties or sub-rent to third parties the rented vehicle, the equipment, the equipment and any other part thereof and, in any case, not to take any action and / or initiative in contrast with the rights of the Company Individual of Addis Mauro on the vehicle;
    to personally and directly provide for the payment of any penalty relating to the use of the rented vehicle during the rental;
    to transmit to the Individual Company of Addis Mauro, within 1 day of receipt, any report that should be notified by the Public Authority for violations of the Highway Code or other applicable regulations committed during the rental period; in the event of failure or late transmission of the aforementioned reports, the Customer will be responsible for any consequent damage suffered by the Individual Company of Addis Mauro, directly or indirectly caused by such failure to promptly transmit;
    not to consume and / or store food and / or drinks inside the vehicle;
    not to smoke on board the vehicle;
    to delete, at the end of the rental, their personal data entered in the satellite navigator possibly present in the rented vehicle;
    to immediately return the rented vehicle to the Lessor's office;

The Client also declares to acknowledge that the Lessor does not respond:
to. defects, including hidden defects, of the vehicle and its accessories;
b. construction defects for which the application of the discipline referred to in Legislative Decree 206/2005 on the manufacturer's liability for damage from defective products is referred to;
c. damage resulting from the unsuitability of the vehicle for the agreed use that was due to omitted and / or inaccurate information on the part of the Customer.
Should third parties exercise legal actions, seizures or executive acts of any kind on the vehicle covered by this contract, the Customer undertakes:
to immediately inform any third party that the vehicle is the subject of a rental agreement and is therefore the exclusive property of the Lessor;
to notify the Lessor in writing within 24 hours following the moment of knowledge. In the event that the Customer should irreversibly lose, for any reason, the physical possession of the rented vehicle, including cases of theft, loss and fire, he will be required to compensate the Lessor for the value of the rented vehicle; in cases of loss, theft, fire or damage to the vehicle and / or accessories that accompany it, the Customer is obliged to immediately notify the Lessor, as well as to report the fact to the nearest competent Authorities, providing the Lessor with a copy compliant with the complaint filed within the following 12 hours and in any case no later than 3 days. from the event; in all the cases mentioned above, the Customer is still required to pay the Lessor all the agreed rental fees, including additional ones for additional services and optional clauses; in the same cases as above, the Lessor may replace the vehicle with another one of the same category; the Customer also undertakes to immediately reimburse the Lessor for any expenses incurred by the latter for the purpose of recovering the keys or for the production of duplicate replacements, even if this implies the complete change of the vehicle's locking systems.

Art. 8 - Rental fee (so-called Base Rate) and fees for Optional Additional Services (so-called Extras)
The rental fee (so-called Base Rate), as indicated and reported in the Special Rental Conditions, includes:
· The use of the rented vehicle for the period of duration provided in the Rental Agreement, with unlimited mileage;
· Full fuel upon delivery of the vehicle to the Customer;
· The Customer's obligation to return the vehicle with a full tank of fuel;
The CDW clause for limiting the Customer's liability in the event of any damage and / or loss to the rented vehicle and / or its accessories not due to theft,
attempted theft or acts of vandalism, as specified in the following art. 9;
The TP clause for limiting the Customer's liability in cases of theft of the rented vehicle, attempted theft and acts of vandalism and for damage and / or loss due to such facts, as specified in the following art. 9;
VAT at 22%.
The following services are not included in the rental fee (so-called Base Rate), as they constitute Optional Additional Services (so-called Extras) and are subject to the payment of the additional fees listed below: Rentals) which authorizes the Customer to return the vehicle to a rental point other than the one where it was delivered: cost € 150.00; 2. the Additional Driver option provided for by art. 2 paragraph 2 above; this option allows a person (specifically identified in the Rental Agreement) other than the Customer to be authorized to drive the vehicle, in addition to the latter: cost € 7.00 / day, for each Additional Driver; 3. the Young or Senior Driving option for the case in which the Customer and / or the Additional Driver are aged between 18 and 25 (Young Driving) or over 75 years (Senior Driving): cost € 15 , 00 / day, for each driver; 4. Delivery and Collection services: these are services that can be requested at the time of conclusion of the contract and subject to acceptance by the Individual Company of Addis Mauro which allow the delivery and / or return of the vehicle to a place other than the rental points , the cost of the service is based on the distance calculated in kilometers; 5. the delivery and return services of the vehicle Out of Hours or outside the opening hours of the Individual Firm rental point of Addis Mauro as displayed at the respective headquarters and as indicated on the Sarda Rent website at http: //www.sardarent .it cost € 36.00 for deliveries or returns after closing time in the evening and up to 11.30 pm and € 150.00 for deliveries or returns from 11.31 pm to 1.00 am; the costs indicated above refer only to out-of-hours delivery or only out-of-hours return and are, therefore, to be applied separately and cumulatively, to both, in the event that the customer requests both services. 6. special equipment on request (subject to availability): · child seat: cost € 40.00 per rental; 7. SILVER damage liability reduction - deductible € 500.00 with a cost of € 8.00 / day; 8. GOLD damage liability reduction - deductible € 300.00 with a cost of € 10.00 / day; 9. Elimination of liability for damage and theft - deductible € 0.00 with a cost of € 22.00 / day; 10. Window and tire policy cost € 9.00 / day. 11. PAI driver accident insurance cost € 7.00 / day.
In addition to the Base Rate and any additional fees for the agreed Extras, the Lessor will charge the Customer the additional amount of € 45.00 excluding VAT for administrative expenses, whenever it becomes necessary to manage practices regarding administrative penalties, fines, reimbursements. , payment of tolls and / or parking, except as provided in the other articles and subject to compensation for any damage.

Art. 9 - Insurance coverage R.C.A., PAI and SPAI and clauses of limitation / exemption from liability
The Customer and any other driver authorized by contract to drive the rented vehicle, are covered, within the limits established by applicable laws and regulations, by an insurance policy for civil liability towards third parties relating to damage caused to people, animals or things, through the of the hired vehicle (RCA policy); the Customer declares to have read the information prospectuses containing the general and particular conditions (including deductibles, overdrafts and guaranteed ceilings) of the liability insurance policy. mentioned above, however, available free of charge inside each rented vehicle and at the registered and operational headquarters of the sole proprietorship in Addis Mauro upon simple request; exceeded the insurance coverage ceiling, the insurance company will not reimburse any type of damage caused by the Customer who, therefore, will be required to assume all the de facto and legal consequences of his responsibilities and to hold the Lessor harmless in relation to such consequences. ; in any case, the Customer undertakes to reimburse to the Individual Company of Addis Mauro what, for any reason, it will be obliged to pay to third parties and / or to the Insurance Companies for each payment made to third parties on behalf of the Individual Company of Addis Mauro, depending on events covered by the liability insurance coverage The Customer is fully responsible for damage and / or loss to the rented vehicle and / or its accessories, even if deriving from acts of vandalism and, also, for the total or partial theft of the vehicle itself, except as specified below regarding the CDW and TP limitations of liability and other optional limitation / disclaimer clauses. With the conclusion of the contract, the Customer acquires by right the CDW liability limitation clause, additional coverage, not having an insurance nature and not linked to insurance policies, included in the rental fee (Base Rate), which limits the Customer's liability towards the Lessor for damages and / or losses to the rented vehicle not due to theft, attempted theft or acts of vandalism, without prejudice to the provision of a differentiated deductible in relation to the group to which the rented vehicle belongs (reported in the Rental Agreement), as follows: - Groups A - B: deductible € 850.00. The CDW limitation of liability does not exempt the Customer from adopting the diligence of a good family man in the management of the rented vehicle and in the custody of the same; for this reason, the Individual Firm of Addis Mauro reserves the right, in any case, to charge the Customer for any damage and / or loss that has also occurred due to willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Customer. With the conclusion of the contract, the Customer acquires by right the TP liability limitation clause, additional coverage, not of an insurance nature and not linked to insurance policies, included in the rental fee (Base Rate), which limits the Customer's liability towards the Lessor for cases of theft of the rented vehicle, attempted theft and acts of vandalism and for damages and / or losses due to these facts, without prejudice to the provision of a differentiated deductible in relation to the group to which the rented vehicle belongs (reported in the Rental Letter), as indicated below: - Groups A - B: deductible € 1,300.00; - The TP limitation of liability does not exempt the Customer from adopting the diligence of a good family man to prevent the theft of the rented vehicle and vandalism to the detriment of him; for this reason, Ditta Individuale di Addis Mauro reserves the right, in any case, to charge the Customer for the value of the vehicle and the value of the damages and / or losses in cases of theft, attempted theft and acts of vandalism that occur. are also verified due to willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Customer. Upon payment of an additional fee, differentiated in relation to the group to which the rented vehicle belongs, indicated in the Rental Agreement, as indicated in the relative price list available at the registered and operational headquarters of the Individual Company of Addis Mauro, the Customer can choose to sign the SILVER liability limitation clause, optional additional coverage, not included in the rental fee (Base Rate) and not having an insurance nature or linked to insurance policies, which limits the Customer's liability towards the Lessor for damage and / or loss to the vehicle rented and jointly for cases of theft of the rented vehicle, attempted theft and acts of vandalism, including damage and / or losses due to these facts, without prejudice to the provision of an excess of € 500.00. The signing of the SILVER liability limitation clause does not exempt the Customer from adopting the diligence of the good father of the family in the management of the damaged vehicle and in the custody of the same, nor from adopting the diligence of the good father of the family to prevent the theft of the rented vehicle and vandalism to its detriment; for this reason, Ditta Individuale di Addis Mauro reserves the right, in any case, to charge the Customer for all the damages and losses mentioned above, including the loss of the vehicle in the case of theft, which have occurred also due to willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Customer. Upon payment of an additional fee differentiated in relation to the group to which the rented vehicle belongs, indicated in the Rental Agreement, as indicated in the relative price list available at the registered and operational headquarters of Ditta Individuale di Addis Mauro. The Customer can choose to subscribe to the GOLD limitation of liability clause, an optional additional coverage, not included in the rental fee (Base Rate) and not having an insurance nature or linked to insurance policies, which limits the Customer's liability towards the Lessor for damage and / or loss to the rented vehicle and jointly for cases of theft of the rented vehicle, attempted theft and acts of vandalism, including damage and / or losses due to these facts, without prejudice to the provision of an excess of € 300.00 . The signing of the GOLD limitation clause does not exempt the Customer from adopting the diligence of the good father of the family in the management of the damaged vehicle and in the custody of the same, nor from adopting the diligence of the good father of the family to prevent the theft of the rented vehicle and vandalism to its detriment; for this reason, Ditta Individuale di Addis Mauro reserves the right, in any case, to charge the Customer for all the damages and losses mentioned above, including the loss of the vehicle in the event of theft, which is are verified also due to willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Customer. Upon payment of an additional fee differentiated in relation to the group to which the rented vehicle belongs, indicated in the Rental Agreement, as indicated in the relative price list available at the Individual Company of Addis Mauro. The Customer can choose to subscribe to the PLATINUM liability exemption clause, an optional additional coverage, not included in the rental fee (Base Rate) and not having an insurance nature or linked to insurance policies, which totally exempts the Customer, therefore without an excess , from the responsibility towards the Lessor for damages and / or losses to the rented vehicle and jointly from the responsibility for cases of theft of the rented vehicle, attempted theft and acts of vandalism and for damages and / or losses due to such facts. The signing of the PLATINUM clause does not exempt the Customer from adopting the diligence of the good father of the family in the management of the damaged vehicle and in the custody of the same, nor from adopting the diligence of the good father of the family to prevent the theft of the rented vehicle and vandalism to his detriment; for this reason, Ditta Individuale di Addis Mauro reserves the right, in any case, to charge the Customer for all the damages and losses mentioned above, including the loss of the vehicle in the case of theft, which have occurred also due to willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Customer. The Customer can also choose to subscribe, for additional consideration, as indicated in the relative price list available at the Individual Company of Addis Mauro, the optional personal insurance PAI to cover personal injury and death events of the driver of the rented vehicle; the Customer declares to have read the information prospectuses containing the general and particular conditions (including deductibles, overdrafts and guaranteed maximums) of the aforementioned PAI policy, available free of charge inside each rented vehicle and from the Individual Company of Addis Mauro on a simple request; the provision of services relating to PAI insurance coverage is subject to the Customer's compliance with all the related requirements that are available to the Customer, so that he or she is fully aware of them. The Customer acknowledges that none of the insurance coverage (RCA and PAI) and none of the limitation / exemption from liability clauses provided for in this article will be effective in case of use of the rented vehicle in countries other than those in which circulation is permitted pursuant to of the previous art. 2 and, in general, in the event of violation of any of the traffic limits provided for therein: in such cases, the Customer will therefore be directly and entirely responsible for any damage, loss and / or theft that may occur; Furthermore, the Customer is always responsible for damage caused by incorrect refueling, for damage caused by vegetation, for damage caused by atmospheric events, for damage caused to windows and rear-view mirrors, for damage to the roof of the vehicle, for all damage caused to the engine, to the interior of the passenger compartment and to the underlying part of the vehicle, as these liabilities are not eliminated or reduced by any of the insurance clauses and coverage provided and mentioned in this article, including the PLATINUM clause. No clause or policy covers the loss and / or damage and / or theft of objects and / or effects left in the rented vehicle during or after the rental period; Ditta Individuale di Addis Mauro in no case can be held responsible for such events which will remain, in any case, the sole responsibility of the Customer.

Art. 10 - Penalties
Without prejudice to the provisions of the other articles of the General Rental Conditions, this car rental agreement without a driver is subject to the application of the following penalties:
- Loss of the insurance mark: € 150.00;
- Loss or damage to the high visibility vest: € 20.00;
- Loss or damage to the child seat: € 250.00;
- Loss or damage of car keys: from € 300.00 to € 1,500.00;
- Scratches from vegetation to the vehicle bodywork: from € 300.00 to € 2,500.00;
- Need for vehicle sanitation upon return: from € 45.00 to € 500.00.
The penalties indicated above, as well as all others contemplated by these General Rental Conditions, are to be understood "without prejudice to the compensation of further damage", also for the purposes of the provisions of art. 1382 of the Civil Code

Art. 11 - Claims
In the event of a claim, the Customer must behave in order to protect the interests of the Lessor and the Insurance Company with which the liability insurance policy was stipulated; to this end, the Customer undertakes to: a. give immediate notice of the accident, by telephone and at the same time in writing to Ditta Individuale di Addis Mauro even in the event of minor damage, providing the data of all the vehicles involved (model, number plate and details of the mandatory RCA policy), as well as personal data and of residence and possibly the tax code of all the persons involved, all within and no later than 24 hours from the accident; b. report the accident to the Insurance Company within 3 days. from the occurrence of the same, pursuant to art. 1913 of the Civil Code; non-compliance with this obligation will have, among others, the effect of rendering the CDW, TP, SILVER, GOLD and PLATINUM limitation / exemption clauses inoperative; c. immediately request the intervention of the Public Authority at the place of the accident whenever it is necessary to ascertain responsibility for the cause of the accident and, in any case, in the presence of injured persons; d. not admit responsibilities of which he is not sure; And. do not, for any reason, leave the vehicle unattended and without adequate control. In any case, the Customer undertakes to collaborate with the Lessor and with the latter's insurers in any investigation or legal proceeding, both judicial and extrajudicial, concerning the claim. In addition to the Base Rate and any additional fees for the agreed Extras, the Lessor will charge the Customer the additional amount of € 150.00 for administrative costs, whenever it becomes necessary to manage claims, both active and passive, in the which the rented vehicle was involved, without prejudice to the right of the same Lessor to compensation for all damages deriving from the accident and except as provided in the other articles.

Art. 12 - Security deposit and payments
The customer is obliged to provide only valid credit cards in his name and with only Mastercard or Visa circuits, prepaid cards, debit cards and non-nominative credit cards are not accepted.
At the time of signing the contract, the Customer obligatorily provides for the payment, in favor of the Lessor, of a sum as a non-interest-bearing security deposit for the amount indicated in the Rental Agreement, to guarantee the exact fulfillment of all obligations to him deriving from this contract, none excluded; at the end of the rental, the security deposit will be returned to the Customer only after the Individual Company of Addis Mauro has ascertained the non-existence of damage to the rented vehicle and / or contractual violations attributable to the Customer and the timely fulfillment by the latter of all contractual obligations at its expense; in any case, the refund of the security deposit will take place net of all the sums that the Lessor will have the right to collect and / or withhold under the contract (e.g. fees, damages, penalties, deductibles, management costs, fines, tolls, etc..); it is expressly stated that the Customer's liability for non-fulfillment of the obligations deriving from the contract in no case can be considered limited to the amount of the security deposit, remaining in any case without prejudice to the Lessor's right to compensation for any greater damage. The payment of all the fees due by the Customer for the rental (base rate, extras, fees for optional limitation clauses / exemption from liability, etc.) and the payment of the aforementioned security deposit must be made in advance, at the time of signing the contract; to this end, the Customer undertakes to present, at the time of signing the contract, their credit card to the Lessor for noting the details in the appropriate space of the Rental Agreement; with the signing of the contract, the Customer authorizes the Individual Company of Addis Mauro to immediately debit the above amounts and to withdraw all the other amounts that will be due under this rental agreement, even if detected / found / requested by the Lessor in a moment after the termination of the rental (eg fees, damages, penalties, deductibles, fuel, management costs, fines, tolls, etc.), even beyond the conventional limits agreed with the credit card issuing companies.

Art. 13 - Solve et repete
Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 1462 of the Civil Code, the Customer may not raise objections in relation to the execution of the contractual service by the Lessor unless after having punctually and fully fulfilled his obligations as arising and arising from this contract and its execution.

Art. 14 - Communications
Any communication or request relating to this contract, even if made after its termination, must be made in writing, alternatively by registered letter with return receipt. or by Pec or by fax, to the respective addresses of the parties as indicated in the Rental Agreement. For any communication from the Lessor, the Customer expressly agrees to receive it also by e-mail (non-certified electronic mail) directly to his address as indicated in the Rental Agreement.

Art. 15 - Extension of the rental
If the Customer intends to extend the rental beyond the deadline provided for in the Special Rental Conditions, he must make a written request to the Lessor (also by certified e-mail, fax or e-mail) who will have the right to grant or not this authorization, notifying the Customer. in the same manner as above; in the event that the Individual Firm of Addis Mauro authorizes the extension of the rental, the contractual relationship will be deemed to be subject to the same conditions already agreed for the first period of duration.

Art. 16 - Amendments
Any variation or addition to these General Contract Conditions and to the Rental Agreement will be valid only if adopted by the parties with a specific written agreement.

Art. 17 - Express termination clause
Without prejudice to the provisions of the individual articles of these General Contract Conditions, the parties mutually acknowledge that, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 1456 of the Civil Code, the failure to promptly fulfill one or more of the obligations agreed in the following articles constitutes grounds for immediate termination of this contract in the exclusive interest of the Lessor: art. 2, art. 4, art. 5 paragraphs 3 and 4, art. 6, art. 7, art. 11 and art. 12. In all cases of termination of the aforementioned contract, the Individual Company of Addis Mauro will have the right to definitively withhold the rental fees (including additional ones for additional services and the optional limitation / exemption clauses) already paid by the Customer. , who, therefore, cannot claim any refund in this regard; In such cases, the further application of the penalties specifically provided for in the contract and the reimbursement of any further damage remain unaffected.

Art. 18 - Jurisdiction and competent court
This rental agreement without driver, including the Special Conditions referred to in the Rental Agreement and these General Conditions, is subject to Italian law and jurisdiction; for any dispute that may arise between the parties regarding the interpretation and / or application of this contract, the Court of Nuoro is territorially competent, exclusively; the jurisdiction and competence as agreed in this article cannot be derogated even for reasons of connection or continence of causes.

Art. 19 - Interpretation of the contract
In the event of a conflict in the interpretation of the contract between this Italian version and that of any courtesy translation, the Italian version will prevail over the others.
Pursuant to art. 1341 and 1342 C.C., IV book, II title, II head, I section, the undersigned expressly declare that they have read and specifically approve the clauses referred to in articles 2 (limits to circulation), 3 paragraph 2 (burden of prior verification of the vehicle conditions), 4 (return of the vehicle), 5 paragraph 1 (policy of the Individual Company of Addis Mauro antifreeze liquid), 5 last paragraph (prohibition of concession in use of the vehicle and transfer of the contract), 6 (maintenance and repair of the vehicle), 7 (obligations and responsibilities of the customer), 9 (RCA insurance coverage, PAI and limitation clauses / exemption from liability with regard to cases of non-operation of the aforementioned covers and clauses), 10 (penalties), 11 letter b (hypothesis of non-operation of the limitation / exemption from liability clauses), 11 last paragraph (administrative expenses in the event of a claim), 12 (security deposit, payments and authorization credit card charges), 13 (solve et repete), 14 paragraph 2 (communications from the lessor by e-mail), 17 (express termination clause), 18 (jurisdiction and competent court); pursuant to art. 34 paragraphs 4 and 5 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206, the undersigned also declare, in the event that they qualify as Consumers, that the aforementioned clauses have been specifically discussed with the Lessor.

Ditta individuale Mauro Addis
SS 125 Orientale Sarda, N° 58, 07052 San Teodoro SS
C.F: DDSMR81P25F979E
P.Iva: 01488500917 - Tel. 349 6360580
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